In 1984, about the time of the UFO mandala vision, I had received a psychic message from a source describing itself as The Solar Watch. Who were these ‘space people’? Were they real or just part of a make-believe world we had manufactured to satisfy the psychic needs of a godless, materialist civilization? From their inception I couldn’t help feel that behind the UFOs was a great, guiding force which as universal Director was at the centre of the phenomena.
Then I came across a passage, in THE EMBODIMENT OF LOVE, where Baba confirms the existence of such beings and their saucer-shaped vehicles, as well as their goodwill and concern for humanity’s current predicament. “And they have much work to do,” Swami is quoted as having said about the space people.1
After reading this I felt it was safe to stop doubting the veracity of my own messages. Then, in July 1986, before visiting Findhorn, another message was given. On the train to work one Thursday morning, I heard an inner voice tell me to meditate later that day. I was to be told something important.
That evening, I sat in front of my bedroom window, directed my vision onto a cut glass sphere which hung in its centre and relaxed into the Alpha state. The sun pierced through a cloud and lit up the glass with its brilliance. Rainbow colours danced across the carpet and walls in the room. Light began to fill the room and my body. As the minute hand of my bedside clock edged towards eight, I began receiving.
“We are now transmitting as arranged,” I heard. “You have begun to fill with light and the Alpha wave frequency is being received. You are now fully immersed in this continuum whose unified field resonates and enables you to act clearly as a receiver-transmitter. This is the secret of channelling power. So simple!”
A recent journey to Warminster, a famous UFO contact point in the south of England, had been a test, I was told, and proof that I continued to receive the energy transmissions from higher intelligence.2 After having made that particular journey, I discovered that it had taken place on a day, June 30th, when the Earth was considered, by scientists, to be subject to a particularly strong annual bombardment of particles from outer space.
“But now we can transmit on this clear frequency to you,” the message continued.
Higher intelligence had begun to make numerous transmissions to great numbers of humans everywhere. The Planet Earth was entering a highly critical phase and solar energies were becoming extraordinarily high. (This was actually confirmed later as an increase in sun spot activity). The man-made ozone hole over the Antarctic had led to the poisoning and blocking of the free flow of planetary energies. Man’s ignorance and refusal to evolve had created “the conditions for planetary disturbances within the biosphere. Homo Sapiens is now almost extinct and is unable to change with the evolutionary demands being made. He has misunderstood and abused his potential to act as a co-creator. Instead, he has become a destroyer, shackled by the self-made chains of his ego. To ensure that life goes on, his misused power is about to be taken away forever so that planetary evolution may take place as The Plan requires.”
“Many of you begin to hear the voice of the I AM ever more clearly,” I was told. “Have no doubt, you are being prepared! Discard the shadow of doubt. It is an illusory trap. Open yourself to truth for time is almost run out for those who are paralyzed by fear, doubt or wilful refusal to receive the truth of the living word. You are already beyond the threshold of the Aquarian Age and the work necessary for building the new civilization to come is begun. Death by water is a Piscean death. Now the Water Bearer brings you cosmic life! Live no longer in fear or be deceived by death’s illusion. See beyond the limits of a doomed civilization’s time to the regeneration already been given out by the Mother-Father’s impulse.”
Spiritual orientation with the solar energies was necessary, “if you are to fulfil your karmic purpose for which you have incarnated during this time of the Lord’s presence on the Planet. He is present among you now in the divine form of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In this form you have your beacon and chief source of transmitting energy. Understand this as the sole purpose of the Avathar for which he incarnates from age to age. Look beyond the illusion of Maya and doubt. The Avathar is the source and the power in the space-time continuum of existence. All that separates you from His light is the ignorance of duality and Maya into which you fell and from which you will extricate yourself.”
I was told that the Earth’s energy centres were now receiving intense cosmic and solar energies. “Indeed it is quite correct,” the message went on, “to look at 1987 as the year of critical mass. Like other animal forms many of you are beginning to sense that the Planetary Logos is transmitting this impulse through her ‘Gaia-field’”.
Changed migratory patterns among bird life and in the behaviour of animals would be noted and this would give, “plenty of warning concerning impending volcanic activities already intensifying below Terra’s surface.” I was told that signs of subterranean changes would be evident soon ... “perhaps even before your northern summer is out.”
This would surely be the test. I had been given a time-scale in which events were to occur. It remained to be seen if the predictions were correct.
Then, just before leaving London, I had gone to the local newsagent to settle my bill. He handed me the day’s paper. Tremors had taken place under a lake in west Africa. There had been several casualties. The following month, tremors were recorded in Oban on Scotland’s west coast. This time, there were no casualties. I was stunned into the realization that in some way I really was receiving information from a higher source. And it had, already identified itself.
“Who are we? None but yourselves in a higher, more advanced form, of the same source of light, love and life. You will soon see that we are really little different to yourselves in higher form. We, like you, seek to serve.” This last confirmed what Baba had told the Masons.
Though I didn’t know it, that statement held the clue to unravelling the UFO mystery. These were conscious, living entities projecting information through the universal language of light. Functioning on a much faster and finer vibration, they influenced grosser life forms at subliminal, Alpha levels.
Then, “the next twelve months should be seen as a progressive, upward-moving scale of three, six, nine and twelve approaching thirteen.”
The thirteenth month, I discovered later, was August 1987, the time prophesied by the Hopi Indians and by the Mayans over 5000 years before. We were being advised to move into that period on an upward-moving scale that suggested a heightened pitch of awareness or harmonic. And, “when your chakras function brightly — this they will do if you visualize the seven rays of the spectrum — you will have opened your personal energy circles. Visualize the planetary network of circles and let the sun begin to dance its dream dance of light approaching critical mass. As the energy sent out approaches critical mass the twelve Great Wheels will begin to turn and the world of humanity and all life-forms will begin to dream of light and creation.”
I had been given a picture of this energy descending on St Michael’s Tor in Glastonbury. After the Vision, I had discovered that 1986 was prophesied to be the time of the great re-energizing of the Planet’s power centres. Solar energy was bathing all the Earth’s nodal points in preparation for the great psycho-physical changes to come.
“The psychic change will take place on the fourth dimension in 1987 as does the energy change in 1986. What takes place on the fourth manifests on the third almost immediately.”
There was a warning to exercise self-control and awareness. “Do not entertain any destructive thought. Visualize only the pure light and let the Lord do His work through you.” Regular light transmission was called for and “daily transmission if at all possible ... keep your body pure and drink spring water if possible. Cleanse and rest yourselves while staying open to the Gaia-field. Do not be sucked into disturbing energy patterns.”
The vastly amplified energies of Harmonic Convergence could destabilize the mentally unbalanced. Later, there was a tragic example of this not far from some of the major power centres in southern England. Energy is a double-edged sword and working with it requires respect and humility. We do not teach it anything. It teaches us.
Now I began to more fully understand the meaning of the Vision of Sagittarius which Swami had given me in answer to my prayers. Understood at the cosmic level, the myth of King Arthur, Avalon and the Knights of the Round Table may provide a spiritual key of knowledge to the seeker. The promised return of the Sun Deity, Quetzalcoatl, is of universal significance. It is also the time of Arthur’s resurgence. There is a season for everything and now the time of the return of all the gods, goddesses, bodhisattvas and Christs has come. I believe that it is no coincidence that King Arthur is associated with Sagittarius, the sign of the Philosopher King. This is surely Lord Sri Sathya Sai — the Philosopher King predicted by Nostradamus among others.
“So long expected shall never come, into Europe, in Asia shall appear One issued of the line of the great Hermes, and shall be over all the Kings of the Orient.” 3 Hermes was a sun deity and this particular prophecy, I believe, points to the coming of another Solar God ... Lord Surya, Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
“When the Kaliyuga influence grows even more intense, then people will see his (Baba’s) true might and will acknowledge that he is the Supreme Power. Then mankind will bow to him as a great emperor and he will be revered as the greatest living being (Mahapurusha) in the world.” 4
“Many of you have waited throughout the ages for this crucial moment,” the Solar transmission ended. “Very soon, the heavens will open and your dream will manifest as reality on the third dimension. Your waiting is almost over. Awake now, O children of the Light. Listen to the voice of the Star child inside you. Rejoice for the dream has begun!”
In the spring of 1987, Sir George visited Woodend. He had remembered me since the Vision and Gurupurnima. I told him about my plans to start a place of healing dedicated to Sathya Sai Baba in the Highlands.
“I’ll come back in ten years to see it!” he replied. Excited by the discovery of power centres and leylines in the area, he insisted on going to see Macbeth’s Hillock before returning to the Findhorn Foundation where he was scheduled to speak later that day at the Easter Conference.
“I don’t want to make you late, Sir George,” I muttered as we drove off towards the power spot.
“Oh, that’s alright,” he replied. “We’ve work to do first. Don’t worry. There’ll be plenty of time!” His enthusiasm was infectious. We approached the hillock which was situated close by the main road to Inverness. I reversed the car down the lane to a gate opening into the field where it stood.
“Can we get closer?” he asked.
“We could if you don’t object to a little mud on your shoes!”
Dismissing this minor inconvenience, Sir George strode across a freshly ploughed field towards the hillock. Climbing to the top we stopped to get our bearings before standing together, silently, to make the Great Invocation.
“Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth ...”
The next day was Saint George’s Day. Jenny and I bought Sir George a red rose to commemorate the visit he had made. As I walked into the Reception Office at the Findhorn Community to leave the rose to be delivered to Cluny Hill Hotel I noticed — plastered right in the middle of the office door — a poster for a performance of Macbeth. Our healing work, it seems, had been noted by the universe which had presented us with this little gift of synchronicity.
Sir George has always encouraged healing with light — particularly to be practised on the old, sacred power spots and centres. These places are often to be found close to underground geological faults and fissures. They act as energy meridians or nodes where the electromagnetism of the Earth rises to merge with the atmospheric sheaths surrounding it. By simply relaxing and attuning to the 8 Hertz Alpha state we may merge our own energies with those surrounding us to help heal ourselves and the Earth.
Shortly after Sir George’s visit I was inspired to install an amber light in the Shrine Room at Woodend. At the time, I had no idea that he was the coordinator of the Lamplighter Movement in Britain.
During WWII, the sensitive, Wellesley Tudor Pole, had been instructed by Spirit that a minute’s silence every day would provide a strong spiritual boost to mortals — as well as to those on the spirit planes — to help win the planetary battle against the forces of darkness. King George VI as well as the then Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, had liked the idea and the BBC broadcast the minute’s silence to coincide with the chiming of Big Ben before the Nine o’Clock News each evening. It had been supported by all the allies and, after the War had ended, a German General is reported to have made the envious observation that, “Of course, you had the chimes of Big Ben to help you!”
In 1964, the BBC had ceased to broadcast the Big Ben Silent Minute. Then ‘T.P.’ received an inner directive that light should replace sound as a reminder of the connection between the unseen armies of the Spirit and new age world servers on the Planet. Since 1965 Sir George had been the backbone of the Lamplighter Movement which was based at the Chalice Well, Glastonbury.
In his message, Baba had urged me to let light shine from the end of the wood. This seemed an appropriate way of bringing that light onto the visible planes as well as to join the greater network of all those who light lamps to aid the work of Spirit. I do not believe that it is any coincidence that the amber lights provided by these little 15-watt bulbs correspond to the colour of Baba’s robes.
Guests who have slept in the room above our sanctuary have reported having dreams in which they saw Swami. He has said that no one dreams of him without his sanction. Again, this seemed to provide evidence of his powerful presence. Meditating by the window overlooking the front garden, I have seen him dancing under the apple trees, like Nataraja, in a whirl of neutrons and light. On other occasions, I have seen him float over the ground on a golden cloud. Sometimes he has appeared as Jesus in a white robe, walking barefoot on the grass.
There were other experiences too on the invisible planes. In my early days at Woodend, I ‘saw‘a group of small, gentle folk standing outside, staring through the kitchen window. There was no malevolence. Only curiosity. On another occasion, I became aware of a similar group watching me as I performed an Amerindian dance outside. I believe that these beings are part of Woodend’s ‘spirit of place’ and that they have resided here for several centuries even millennia, since perhaps the times of ancient, pre-Celtic settlements in the area.
Then there was Cernunnos, the Celtic god of the hunt, who made his presence felt in the woods and the muir surrounding the farm. This was in the summer months when the land was deep in the season of fertility and the deer could be heard barking in the forest.
The old gods and goddesses do not die. Though they may be ignored by a civilization preoccupied with more recently created myths of technology and scientific progress, the old ones — as Carl Jung observed— reside deep within the collective psyche and return to us in our dreams in one or another form. For myth lives outside time. The Solar gods and the Shining Ones are still alive in Gaia’s memory. The immortals await us, to give meaning to our lives and help us understand our purpose here on this Planet.
One night that spring, not long after Sir George»s visit to Woodend, I dreamt of Sir Galahad’s Shield. Like the flag of St George, this had a red cross on a white background. Two swords lay across each other behind the Shield which had, underneath, the motto, Pax Mundi. Working with this dream I discovered that the two swords represented the primal, male-female Shiva-Shakti force which was about to re-energize the Earth in 1987, bringing with it world peace and a new harmonic of evolution.
The central Cross, I discovered later, intermeshed the dream’s Arthurian and Christian symbology with the Mayan in which the equal-armed, or Cosmic Cross, is the sign of Quetzalcoatl. The dream came to me during the climactic build-up to Harmonic Convergence and subsequent research showed that Galahad’s Shield had indeed displayed such a design. Said to be as “white as snow” with a red cross in its midst, the shield had belonged “of old to the gentle knight, Joseph of Arimathea” who had proclaimed that none but Galahad, the last of his lineage, would bear it safely.5
And with this dream came the return of my UFO mandala. One afternoon, I ‘saw’ it to the south west of Woodend, roughly in the compass direction of the holy isle of Iona. Golden beams of light shone from underneath its silver discus shape. Then, in my mind’s eye, I saw myself walking into its beams and disappearing. Along with this had come the expectation of long life. Since this incident I have discovered that the experience of being ‘beamed up’ into a spaceship, and such a process leading to anticipated physical longevity, is shared by others ...we are being told something.
In Glastonbury, I had experienced being ‘beamed down’ as a hologram from the UFO or Mothership. The real consciousness which gave my hologram life wasn’t down here on Earth at all. It was inside the Mothership, above the dense planetary atmosphere, moving the hologram like a master puppeteer!
The Highlands are still alive with the spirit of older peoples and despite the inroads made by agriculture during more recent times many of the old megaliths and stone circles have survived intact. The highest concentration of stone circles in the world is to be found in the hills of Aberdeenshire with which, in contrast, the arable coast of Moray is quite sparsely populated.
I began to pore over local maps in search of leylines — part of a vast and intricate pattern of etheric energy playing on the Earth’s surface. By immersing oneself in that energy field I understood that it was possible to enter into a great psychic realm ... Mother Earth’s memory situated in an atmospheric sea in whose depths we exist and whose surface lay miles above us in the ionosphere.6 Leylines were a way into that memory and, through their relationship to the megaliths and stone circles, they weaved Gaia’s energies into a much greater web with the planets and stars above.
The clear skies of the northern hemisphere are perfect for astronomy. I remembered how my father had been able to reel off the names of the constellations to us as we sat at night on the veranda steps of our old, equatorial home. For the first time in my life I began to learn about the stars, to find the constellations: the Great Bear, Ursa Major, easily identified as a ‘saucepan with a crooked handle’; Auriga, with bright Capella and The Kids; Taurus with the Pleiades and Hyades; Arcturus; Orion’s Belt, Rigel and Sirius. According to esoteric tradition, Sirius is said to be the home of the Avathars. To see its diamond brightness pulsate with violets, reds, yellows and blues on a frosty night is to behold a mystery.
Though I wasn’t consciously channelling as much as before, the occasional message would still be given. Sometimes these came from Baba, sometimes from ‘Jacob’.
A few days after the dream of Galahad’s Shield, while typing a letter to a friend, I found myself picking up a distant swirl of sound from which spoke the voice I knew as ‘Jacob’.
“Not now, surely!” I grumbled and continued with my typing. Then I began to find that the message I was ignoring began to channel through the typewriter! At that point I stopped ignoring ‘Jacob’, abandoned the letter and prepared to receive whatever was coming through.
It was a meditation in preparation for Harmonic Convergence, meant to link up the cumulative energies of all those who were to take part in the ceremonies planned for that time. Two primary leylines were to be activated by the serpent power of Quetzalcoatl. This energy would travel to the British Isles through the Dragon line of St Michael and from Glastonbury it would link up the major power centres in Findhorn and Iona in a huge triangle of silver light.
We were being asked to visualize the seven colours of the rainbow in our chakras and then to merge these with the incoming Solar power and the Earth’s aura. From Glastonbury, the energy was to be channelled as ‘Power’ to Findhorn. From there it was to be directed to Iona as ‘Love’. Thence, from the holy island that is said to have once been part of Atlantis, it would flash out to the world as ‘Light’. The meditation was to finish with the making of the Great Invocation and the visualization of a huge chakra of rainbow light touching the silver triangle at its three vertices.
The meditation embodied much of the symbolism of the Hopi Prophecy which foretold that when the serpent wheels began to turn and dance once more, the Rainbow Lights would be seen in dreams again to help awaken humanity. The combined effect of this imagery with the Invocation gave the meditation great potency. I knew that this information was to be shared with others so I typed it up, made several photocopies and mailed them. As always, I sent one copy to Sir George.
Then came a time of testing. When I tried to share the meditation with others I didn’t get the response I had expected. Their doubts began to influence me as well. Was the meditation genuinely from Spirit or was it of my own egotistic making? And if it was genuine why hadn’t they responded positively? How was I to share it with the Findhorn Community? Most of the people there I knew only through my friendship with Jenny.
With an esoteric tradition of twenty five years, I felt that the Community had become a conservative organization where one had to have spiritual ‘credentials’ before being accepted. Though it would not admit to it, I felt that the Community strongly reflected the predominantly middle class values of its members ... the kind of people I had found myself alienated from for so long. What ‘credentials’ did I have? All the hurt, self doubt and negative frustration came out.
Yet, in the time that followed, I was to learn a salutary lesson through Sir George who replied enthusiastically about the meditation, telling me that he intended to use it at Glastonbury on August the Seventeenth.
I knew I had found a great ally in him. Most of the powerful initiations and experiences I had had in the past few years were at Glastonbury. It was on the Tor that I had first heard the Archangel, St Michael, speak to me and where I had seen the vision of the Grail descending. Glastonbury had been a place of great inner joy, testing and spiritual growth. Even my family name seemed to connect me with the ancient myth of Gwyn and the Tor. So it was entirely appropriate that the meditation was to be read by an Aquarian knight at Glastonbury.
Through all this I learned that God had prepared a path for me. All I had to do was to follow it as best I could. I didn’t have to be accepted for anyone other than who I was. I didn’t need credentials. The doubts of others did not devalue my own contributions. Harmonic Convergence was to be a time when every living being could join in the celebration of a great galactic event. We are all on the spiritual path. Each of us plays a vital part in the evolution of the universe. There are no exceptions. For if God is within us all how else could it be?
That Easter, Jenny and I decided that we would travel to India to visit Baba before the year was out. The time of the Rainbow Dreams drew close and through the dreams and synchronous events we were both experiencing it became clear that the time of our visit was exactly right. How better to end this most special year than to return to the cosmic Mother-Father?
“Come, come!” I could hear Swami whisper within me.
Over five thousand years ago — some say before the beginning of the Dark Age — the Mayan culture in central America had devised a calendric system by which they could look both into the past and the future. According to Amerindian tradition, certain native peoples of the Americas are the descendants of the Atlanteans who were, in turn, a hybrid race. The Atlanteans had descended from the Children of the Sun — the original people of Earth — and the Sacred Seven who were angelic beings from the star system of the Pleiades in the Constellation of Taurus.
After the destruction of Atlantis — called Elohi Mona by the Cherokee people — the survivors found themselves in south and central America. From there they travelled north, taking with them some of the knowledge of Elohi Mona. The Mayan culture, in particular, has left a treasure house of knowledge which is only now being researched and understood.
The Mayans possessed a 260-unit codex called the Tzolkin through which a measurement of evolutionary time was made possible. According to the Tzolkin, human history has been shaped to a great extent by a galactic beam of light through which our Solar System has been passing during the last five thousand years.
Emanating from the galaxy and beyond, the beam is dispersed throughout our planetary system by our local star, the Sun, which acts as a gigantic, binary receiver-transmitter to and from the source of creation. From the hub of the fiery Logos, information pulsates out on sub-atomic light wave particles to the planets that whirl around it like a harmonic gyroscope. At every level of Gaia’s intelligence, this information is being received, assimilated, and returned through a vast continuum of light to the Sun and the galaxy beyond.
The Tzolkin measures this light beam through its 260-unit codex and translates its information into Earth time. By understanding ‘galactic seasons’ the Maya were able to forecast trends in a 5,125-year cycle ending in the year 2012 AD with the present beam when a great moment of transformation awaits the Planet and all its life forms.7
According to the Tzolkin, Harmonic Convergence would mark, mathematically, a phase shift when the planet Earth passed into synchronization with the galactic pulse, thereby increasing the harmonic frequency of the Planet and causing an ‘acceleration of time’ and evolution as the great moment of transformation approaches.8 Seen in mythic terms it was the time of the return of Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of the Dawn — the dying of the Fifth and the birth of the Sixth World. Understood holistically, Harmonic Convergence took place during the period of great changes for which Baba and all the great masters have descended to Earth to prepare us. It was clear to me that remarkable parallels existed between the events foretold by the Mayan calendrics and the purpose of Sathya Sai Baba’s mission.
August came and, as the Sun rose over the woods on the Sixteenth day, I stood on the dewy grass by the Stone Circle at Woodend, fending off the midges and trying to maintain my composure. The weather had been dull and muggy for several weeks but now the sky was bright and clear again as I had expected it would. The early-morning sky glowed, first dragon red and then a pale yellow as the Sun climbed over a lone Scots pine tree in the east.
The time humanity had yearned for so long, a new age of peace, had arrived.
O Earth, make a Blessingway for the Children,
Show them a Path that is Free.
Make them a Blessingway that is free of War.
Show them a Path that is free of War.
Free of War between Brother and Brother,
Free of War between Sister and Sister,
Free of War between Family and Family,
Free of War between Nation and Nation.
O Earth, show them a Planet that is free of War forever.
O Earth, make a Blessingway for the Children,
Send them a Path where they may walk Free and the Stars will make bright
Each step of that Blessingway.
O Earth, send them a Dawn that is New,
Where the Light is the colour of Peace
And all that is heard is the song of the
As I said the prayer I became aware of another — the old Amerindian shaman — who, through my eyes, was witnessing the birth of this great event. Through my ears he heard the prayer and through my consciousness he experienced his immortality. In other times, things had been different when all there had existed was the faith that, after the long night, would come the Dawn.
“Many long days will go by and this country (America) will know great sorrow. But, through all this, once more the Spirit will shine. And when it does it will take the message across the seas to every corner of this world and we shall know once more that we are the Children of Spirit. I know this for the Spirit has told me ... I know this ... that we shall return and return until the Dawn comes and the sun will shine again for all ... I know this for the Spirit has spoken to me this night.” 10
That dawn had come with the Age of Aquarius. In the midst of all the troubles of the late 20th Century, the great Solar Logos had begun to send out a Word from the very heart of Creation. A long, long night of centuries of sorrow was soon to end and all life would celebrate the joyous return. Through my mind flashed a picture of the arduous road we, each of us, had taken just to be here on this day. The prophecies were coming true. The promise had been kept.
The cosmic impulse that has created — yet lay beyond — this hologram of three dimensional form was approaching the Planet with a new message. Here was the UFO mandala, the Grail mystery, returning at the point in time when Gaia was to move into galactic synchronization and a new burst of energy and light would prepare planetary life for the coming paradigm shift.
In my mind’s eye, I saw the impulse of Spirit emerge from the still point of Creation and draw close to infuse Gaia’s etheric layers with a subtle new vibration which would ripple into every life form. With the changing vibration a process of entropy began. Within every individualized aspect of Maya’s play of light-bodies the old patterns of cause and effect moved into a critical state and began to break down. In some light-bodies, the process was causing total cellular disintegration and the withdrawal of consciousness onto higher dimensions of Spirit beyond the Planet’s gravitational pull and resonance.
In others, the process was causing an inner death of the old patterns. But, instead of their atomic forms disintegrating in physical death, the light impulse that danced on inter-atomic levels was birthing a new reality and awareness. Reconstructing the old light-bodies — first at subtle levels, then radiating out to the macrocosm — the Christ light began to shine ever more brightly, transforming matter and lifting the dream called Life into a new heaven.
Here was the alchemist’s gold, the elixir of life. The great time of the changes that Swami had revealed to me in the Vision of Sagittarius had come. Soon the Planet would move into grand synchronization with all the planets and stars of the Milky Way. With this frequency shift, the luminous wave-form of Quetzalcoatl, Lord of the Dawn, would re-enter the atmosphere of Gaia. And when the Pleiades — the stars known to the Amerindians as ‘the Seven Dancers’ — reached mid-heaven on the seventeenth day that month, his earth spirit would awake within the Tree of Life to ascend from its roots as The Thunderbird11 to circle the Planet twice along two great ouroboric lines which criss-crossed each other to approximate the form of the double helix, the DNA genetic code of life.
“This Planet has a purpose in the great galaxy
in which it is held.
That purpose is now unfolding before our eyes ...
The time is approaching when all humanity
will live in harmony.”
“That time will be here sooner than one expects.
This I say to all my devotees from the Lord’s Mountain Top
where all the Universes become one.”
“Be about my work, my beloved devotees.
Your breath will carry the scent of the blossoms of heaven.
Your example will be that of angels.
Your joy will be my joy.” 12
Do the words of Sri Sathya Sai Baba not fit with perfect symmetry the events whose meaning the wise ones amongst the Indian peoples of the Americas had known from earliest times? Since all truth is one beyond the apparent differences of geography, race, culture and religion it surely could not be otherwise.
The day of the Flight of the Thunderbird came. We celebrated the great moment within an ancient Stone Circle of the Earth Mother in the hills of Aberdeenshire. Above us, the twin peaks of Mither Tap o’Bennachie towered majestically over the surrounding countryside. Although it could not be seen in daylight I knew that Sirius, the home of the Avathars, would be in the south western sky above the dragon line of St Michael. Directly above lay Ursa Major, Constellation of the Elohim or ‘Seven Rishis’.
Then came the moment when the female energies of the Pleiades joined with its male counterpart, Ursa Major, to embrace and intertwine in a new act of heavenly creation. Whence began the Song of Nataraja, Lord of the Cosmic Dance...
My Soul is the Light in You.
You are the Light and the Dark.
In the Dream that was Mine,
I was the Sun, Moon and Stars
And you the Light Supernal.
In that Dream I danced alone,
The dance of Life and Death.
And though I cried out for Life,
Only emptiness greeted me.
There is only emptiness.
Yet the energies are all around.
Their patterns scintillate
In waves that abound in the Dark.
They call a new tune
Whose lilt I cannot resist.
And, still, you are there ...
So let me fill the silent sky with Love,
To sing the Song of Life.
My hands moving through
The irresistible rhythms of a Cosmic Dance,
As I sing my Song,
Waiting to begin again ... 12
At last the Dance of Light was begun. From the crystalline centre of Gaia the impulse of the rainbow lights would rise slowly into the psyche of all the creatures who dwelt in Her. Once more they would know the Promise of the Rainbow and, through it, the Keeping of the Creator’s covenant with all planetary life.

Moray Firth Dolphins
We witnessed the most brilliant sunsets over the Moray Firth that week. Gone were the grey overcast skies that had hung over us that summer. Suddenly all was light ... then, in perfect synchronicity and in resonance with the heightening pitch of the universal tuning-fork, a school of dolphins swam into Findhorn Bay. In interspecies celebration with their human brothers and sisters they grinned and leapt in exultation, breaking through the blue of the bay, to make a million watery rainbows. And each tiny fountain drop of their sundance seemed to reflect and resonate with the new harmonic sounding across the Milky Way.
© RW 1989
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