Saturday, 30 May 2009



1: Avathar — an incarnation of God in human form.

2: “On August 17, 1987 the various winged serpent wheels will begin to turn, to dance once again, and when they do the Rainbow Lights will be seen in dreams all over the world and those Rainbow Light dreams will help awaken the rest of humanity.” From the RAINBOW DREAM PROPHECY -A VISION OF HOPE, (Acorn Publications, Glastonbury, 1986).

3: ‘El Tule’ is the primal Tree of Life (or Yaxche) whose spirit and energy the human being is a channel.

4: For a detailed explanation of the meaning of the Mayan Calendar and Harmonic Convergence, see THE MAYAN FACTOR — PATH BEYOND TECHNOLOGY, José Argüelles, (Bear & Co, USA, 1987).

5: The number 9 is considered to be the number of the cosmic Avathar.

6: Thought to be from Baba’s 60th Birthday Discourse.

7: Leela — a miracle performed by the grace of the Lord. Baba says that he performs many leelas in order to attract the devotee to him. Jesus’ miracles were leelas.

8: Atma — the spark of God, or Observer, within.

9: Gaia-field —postulated by Dr. James Lovelock, in the 1960s, the Gaia Hypothesis — named thus in honour of the ancient Greek Earth Mother — suggests that all terrestrial life exists within a self-regulating, planetary biosystem which maintains constant optimal conditions for life on Earth (ie. homeostasis).

The Planet, then, may be understood to be a conscious, living, intelligent Being. During my work as a Past-Life Therapy practitioner, I have come to understand that it is through her material being that our spirits take on terrestrial bodies to enter the gravitational force-field of this Planet.

On the etheric, or akashic, level the Planet’s ‘memory’ records every action which has ever been performed upon it. And it may be from those ‘memory banks’ that we gain access to what appear to be our personal past-life memories. These subjective ‘memories’ may remain immensely significant to us and might provide us with deep insight into our present lives.

However, my belief is that they are, essentially, a miniscule part of planetary memories to which we may attune during certain meditational conditions when the brain’s wave cycles approach the Alpha State (8.3 Hertz cycles per second). This need not make such subjective ‘memories’ any the less meaningful to the one who experiences them. They may still remain personal.

10: Kathakali — a highly stylized dance from south India.

11: Sai — literally ‘Mother’.

12: ‘Sanathana Dharma’ or the Eternal Path that we commonly refer to as the Hindu Religion.


1: The Ramayana Epic describes how the Avathar Rama travelled to Lanka to save Sita who had been taken captive by Ravanna, king of the Rakshasas or Yakkas. Sai Baba has proclaimed that he is the Avathar returned in our time. Baba’s account of the Epic may be found in the RAMAKATHA RASAVAHINI, Parts I and II, translated by N. Kasturi, (Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, Prashanti Nilayam, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh 515134, India).

2: See Chapter 10, NEW BEGINNINGS.

3: The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, created from the famous Committee of One Hundred of which the philosopher, Bertrand Russell, was a well-known member. In the ‘eighties, CND experienced an upsurge of support as a result of the decision by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to base First Strike Cruise missiles in Britain.

4: LSD -Lysergic acid diethylamide, a powerful hallucinogenic substance created in the Sandoz Laboratories, Basel, Switzerland, in 1943 by Dr. Albert Hofmann. Dr. Timothy Leary and rock-groups like the Beatles became LSD cult-figures during the 1960’s.

5: Acid — street slang for LSD.


1: This was the old, pre-war Kingdom of Afghanistan.

2: An early Beatles record-album -now a collector's piece- with lyrics based on their LSD experiences -e.g. 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.'

3: ‘Speed’ — street slang for amphetamine, a synthetic stimulant added to LSD, supposedly to enhance the paradisiacal effect.

4: Sannyasi —a wandering holy man.

5: Lines 20-24, ‘The Burial of the Dead’, T.S. Eliot, THE WASTE LAND (1922), (Faber & Faber).

6: Maya — the concept that what we see as reality is delusory and that Reality —the Causeless Cause— lies beyond the veil of Maya.

7: Refer to Karl Pribram’s Holographic Theory positing the brain as a hologram interpreting a holographic universe and frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space, thus mathematically constructing from them what we recognize as Reality. Cf. op. cit. J. Argüelles.

8: In the Hindu Calendar there are four Ages in a Cycle. Each successive Age brings about a deterioration in the conditions of life culminating in the Age of Kali, the Destroyer, who brings the entire Cycle to a close. This is followed by a new Golden Age. Baba has proclaimed himself to be the Kalki Avathar who has come to perform this task.

9: Sangsara — the everlasting round of birth and death, polar opposite of Nirvana which is liberation from Sangsara.

10: Kundalini — the psychic fire that lies coiled, like a serpent, in the Base or Muladhara Chakra until it is roused through yogic mantras and exercises.

11: In the Pure Land all the obstacles which stand in the way of becoming a Buddha in this world are removed so that rebirth in the Pure Land is virtually equivalent to becoming a Buddha. The Pure Land doctrine of liberation (in Mahayana Buddhism) through faith in the power of Amitabha — the Buddha of Boundless Light — who is said to have attained awakening eons before Gautama. Amitabha is one of the Five liberating Buddhas on the Thôdol mandala.

12: The Bardo Thôdol is peculiar to the Mahayana tradition prevalent in northern India and Tibet.

13: pp. 166-167, THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD, W.Y. Evans-Wentz, (Oxford University Press).

14: p. 205, ibid.

15: pp, 218-219, ‘Tantricism’, ibid.

16: THE KINGSTON ZODIAC, Mary Caine, (25 Kingston Hill, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England).

17: The Sun Deity, Lud, is also King Arthur in Celtic myth -represented by Sagittarius in the Zodiac Circle. In our time I believe this Deity is Lord Surya or Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba whose zodiacal sign is also Sagittarius.


1: Rudolf Steiner described two, polarized, kinds of evil: Luciferic and Ahrimanic. He saw Lucifer as the master of delusion, tempting humanity with every conceivable form of excess. In contrast, the petrifying power of Ahriman exerts its influence on man by turning him into a left-brained, materialistic automaton living an existence devoid of soul. In Hindu terminology, the first evil is Rajasic and the second, Thamasic. Baba teaches us to follow the Sathwic middle-way which is balanced and wise.

2: p. 50, RUDOLF STEINER’S VISION OF LOVE, Bernard Nesfield-Cookson, (Aquarian Press, 1983).

3: In his novel, NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR, which was first published in 1949, George Orwell presents us with a totalitarian society -Oceania- where ‘Newspeak’, ‘Doublethink’, ‘Big Brother’ and the ‘Thought Police’ rule. Ideologies and enemies are manufactured in order to keep the population of Oceania in a state of permanent war.

Popularly understood as a condemnation of Marxist totalitarianism, it is my opinion that the stark message of NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR applies equally well to any society -be it Marxist or Capitalist- where freedoms are curtailed ‘for the greater good’ and where the free flow of information and thought is controlled in the hands of an exclusive minority.

But Orwell’s NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR is rather dated and presents a paternalistic view of future society. As a product of a materialistic age what he appears not to have foreseen are the evolutionary forces, brought into play by Divine Will, limiting the destructive effects of our present civilization’s materialism and containing them in the pattern of a much greater continuum of planetary evolution.

4: pp. 38-39, OUT ON A LIMB, Shirley Maclaine (Arrow).


1: “We’ll struggle together through the weeks, we’ll struggle together, not alone!”

2: Remember the Brave Ones, MOVING HEARTS, (WEA Records, WEA 58718).

3: The Tamils are a minority race of Indian ethnicity, Hindu culture and religion who live in northern Sri Lanka. Since the mid 1950’s serious racial tensions have existed between the Tamils and Sinhalese leading to the demand, by the former group, for separation from Sri Lanka and the creation of an independent state (Eelam) in the north.


1: The Heavens Reply, (with Patrick Allen) from BEYOND THE PLANETS, (Telstar STAC 2244).

2: Watching the Wheels, John Lennon, (Lenono Music), (Geffen Records, K499131).

3: Magic Mushrooms —Psilocybe semilanceata, popularly called the Liberty Cap, is a hallucinogenic fungi quite commonly found on British grassland. It was possibly used by the Druidic cultures during religious initiatory rites-of-passage into the Otherworld.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms were also used by many other cultures. In Mexico and Guatemala hundreds of stone mushroom figurines remain as evidence of the Amerindians’ revered teonanacatl, the ‘divine mushroom’.

4: Astral World —the Astral or Emotional Body (ie. a body beyond the physical) is another dimension which is part of our human experience, the dream world identified with Kama or desire, the plane of emotional reaction.

Past memories seem to live within the astral body and the regression technique appears to function at the Alpha state, ie. somewhere between the state of wakefulness (Beta state = EEG Rating, 11-15 Hertz cycles per second) and deep sleep (Theta state = EEG Rating, 4 Hertz cycles per second).

Dr Argüelles describes the Alpha state as the “neural-ionospheric frequency” and observes that the Earth’s “ionosphere is in resonance with the human brain, which — when oscillating at 7.8 cycles per second — reflects a condition of samadhi or meditational absorption.” (p. 186, op. cit.)

In esoteric tradition the Astral is an intermediate state between sleep and death. (See DEATH: THE GREAT ADVENTURE, Lucis Press).

5: Shining Ones, Titans — the personifications of Gaia’s energies sometimes perceived as beings from the Otherworld. Cf. THE WESTERN WAY -A Practical Guide to the Western Mystery Tradition, Caitlín and John Matthews, (Arkana) and pp. 170-171, op. cit. Dr Argüelles.

According to the Bardo Thôdol the realm of the Asuras is an intermediate kingdom between that of Man and the gods (devas).

6: Genesis 3:24 to 3:26. THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, (Darton, Longman & Todd, 1968).


1: Mind Games, John Lennon, (EMI Records).

2: England Awake!, William Blake.

3: This was confirmed to me by Arthur Garside when he visited us in Scotland in the Summer of 1988. Though he, himself, has never visited Baba he has always acknowledged him as a Mahapurusha (great person)

4: Bhajans — devotional songs to God -normally in Sanskrit.

5: p. 367, MEMORIES, DREAMS AND REFLECTIONS, C.G. Jung, (Fontana).

6: pp. 354-355, ibid.

7: Idylls of the King/The Holy Grail, Alfred Tennyson

8: p. 163, THE FLYING SAUCER VISION, John Michell, (Sidgwick & Jackson).

9: “These rumours, or the possible physical existence of such objects, seem to me so significant that I myself feel compelled ... to sound a note of warning. It is not presumption that drives me but my conscience as a psychiatrist that bids me fulfil my duty and prepare those few who will hear me for coming events which are in accord with the end of an era. As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. They are, it seems, changes in the constellation of psychic dominants, of the archetypes, or ‘gods’ as they used to be called, which bring about, or accompany, long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche.”

“This transformation started within the historical tradition and left traces behind it, first, in the transition from the Age of Taurus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity. We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring-point enters Aquarius. It would be frivolous of me to conceal from the reader that reflections such as these are not only exceedingly unpopular, but come perilously close to those turbid fantasies which becloud the minds of world-improvers and other interpreters of ‘signs and portents.’ But I must take this risk, even if it means putting my hard-won reputation for truthfulness, trustworthiness, and scientific judgement in jeopardy ... I am, to be quite frank, concerned for all those who are caught unprepared by the events in question and disconcerted by their incomprehensible nature.” — C.G. Jung, Flying Saucers, A Modern Myth or Things Seen in the Skies?, quoted on pp. 13-14, THE FLYING SAUCER VISION.

10: p. 117, THE MAKING OF THE REPRESENTATIVE FOR PLANET 8, Doris Lessing, (Jonathan Cape).


1: Darshan — to breathe the same air as or to see and receive a great person’s blessing.

2: Leyline — an invisible line of etheric energy traversing the Earth’s surface. Called feng shui — the way of the dragon — in ancient China.

3: In April 1989 — four years after ‘Jacob’ first came to me — I had a most vivid dream in which I was speaking intimately with Baba. He told me “You had better explain in your book that it was I who came to you as ‘Jacob’. Otherwise people might wonder if you made it all up!” As Baba says that he never appears in a dream (ie at the Astral level) without intention I presume that the dream was true. Certainly, it is my experience that, since Baba has spoken directly through the inner voice, I have been less aware of ‘Jacob’ who told me in an early channelling, that I would receive messages from various sources.

4: Past Life Regression — a form of deep relaxation at the Alpha state which amplifies astral awareness and enables the regressee to experience apparent past lives.

5: Vibhuti — sacred ash. Baba can materialize vibhuti at will and does so, often, for the benefit of his devotees.

6: Shaman — a north American Indian healer or Medicine Man.

7: Gnosis — a knowledge of spiritual mysteries.

8: p. 29, SPIRIT AND THE MIND, Samuel Sandweiss, (Birthday Publishing Co.).

9: p. 33, ibid.

10: Gurupurnima — “being led by the Guru from the dark into light.”

11: The Tor, at Glastonbury, is a geomantically shaped mound that has upon its peak a tower — the ruin of an abbey which once stood on it before being destroyed by an earthquake. It is said that the Tor is a remnant of the ancient civilization of Atlantis. According to Celtic lore, Gwyn, god of the underworld and guardian-protector of the souls of the dead, lives on the Tor in an invisible glass palace.


1: World Servers — monthly Full Moon meditations are observed, world-wide, by The Arcane School and New Group of World Servers (a United Nations affiliated organization). For more information contact... in UK: Suite 54, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EF, England; in USA: 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 566-7, New York, N.Y. USA 10017; in continental Europe: 1 Rue de Varembé (3e), Case Postale 31, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.

2: See Erich Fromm, THE SANE SOCIETY, (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1963) and MARX’S CONCEPT OF MAN (Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., New York, 1978).

3: The SATHYA SAI QUARTERLY is published by Ron Laing and Peggy Mason and is obtainable from: The Lodge, 10 Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 5NG, England (Tel: 0892 21592).

4: The Michael Line is a primary dragon line said to embrace the Planet from Lake Titicaca in Peru, through Brazil and the Atlantic to Cornwall. Travelling across southern England, it makes its way through East Anglia to continental Europe and Moscow; thence through Asia to Tibet, on to Indonesia and Bali, to central Australia and Uluru (Ayer’s Rock); to return to Lake Titicaca across the south Pacific. The Michael Line intersects the more recent serpent Line of Quetzalcoatl at Lake Titicaca and in Bali.

5: DEATH — THE GREAT ADVENTURE, Parts I and X, (Lucis Publishing Co., London and New York, 1985).

6: DNA -deoxyribonucleic acid; the master reproducing molecule of cell nuclei which acts as the carrier of genetic information.

7: p. 185, MY BABA AND I, Dr John S. Hislop, (Birth Day Publishing Company, San Diego, Ca., USA. 1985)


1: A pendulum is a form of dowsing instrument which is held by a string in the hand. By rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise it provides the dowser with a positive or negative reply.

2: Yama Raja and Osiris — see The Judgement, W.Y. Evans-Wentz, p. 35, op. cit.


1: Men and women of goodwill throughout the world are using the Great Invocation — suitably adapted — in their own languages and religion. It belongs to all men and women everywhere. Contact: (in UK) 3 Whitehall Court, Ste 54, London SW1A 2EF; (in USA) 866 United Nations Plaza, Ste 566-7, New York, N.Y. 10017-1888; (Continental Europe) Case Postale 31, 1 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.

2: The Armada by Lord Macaulay who was uncle to Sir George’s grandfather. Sir George remembers having a romantic notion of “lighting spiritual bonfires on the crown of the holy hills of England.”


1: Angel Cards can be used to receive guidance and work through the principle of synchronicity.

2: Prajna — the breath that sustains life.


1: pp. 22-23, THE EMBODIMENT OF LOVE, Peggy Mason and Ron Laing, (Sawbridge Enterprises, London, 1982).

2: I use the term, ‘higher intelligence’ because I believe that the UFO phenomenon indicates an intelligence existing beyond our present space-time continuum with the ability to travel in and out of our dimension at will. Yet this intelligence is not entirely separate from us. In some, as yet inexplicable way, they are ourselves in the future.

3: From the Prophecies of Nostradamus.

4: From the Prophecy of the Shuka Naadi, translated from ancient palm-leaf scrolls entitled Saicharitamrita Grantham, by a well-known professor of astrology in Bangalore, Sri Ganjur Narayana Shastry. The Sanskrit manuscript is thought to be over 5000 years old. “It describes, accurately and at great length, Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s family tree and many facts about him. It gives interesting details of all that he will accomplish in this present life and also the great miracles to come.”

5: p. 490, BULLFINCH’S MYTHOLOGY, (Crown Publishers, Avenel Books, N.Y.)

6: “As Tesla observed, the resonance of the Earth functions like oscillations of a giant electromagnetic battery. The key features of this battery are the two shells of the ionosphere, the lower lunar and the upper solar shell, respectively 60 and 70 miles above the terrestrial bottom of the electromagnetic ocean ... the ionosphere is in resonance with the human brain... at 7.8 cycles per second.” p. 186, Argüelles, op. cit.

7: p. 9, Argüelles, op. cit. Mayan chronology correlates closely with the Hindu concept of Space and Time. In Indian cosmology, “the Kali Yuga is supposed to have commenced on 17 February 3102 BC which is but eleven years before the Mayan basal date (i.e. 3113 BC).” p. 149, The Idea of a Cosmic Order, THE MYTHIC IMAGE, Joseph Campbell, (Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA, 1974).

8: p. 165, Argüelles, op. cit.

9: THE BLESSINGWAY CHILDREN'S PRAYER OF THE EARTH, circulated by Healing Our World, PO Box 6111, Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA.

10: From the transcript of a personal regression tape.

11: The Thunderbird — an Amerindian name for the Source of All Life.

12: Thought to be from Baba’s 60th Birthday Discourse.

12: Cosmic Dance, © RW 1984..


1: “According to Tsalagi (Cherokee) time-keeping we are now in the Fifth World, the ninth and final stage of purification, and entering the Sixth World, the time of reintegration of the people and the land.

So at this moment we are on the threshold of a new world. According to the ancient calendar of the western hemisphere, on August 16, 1987, we leave the last cycle of nine hells, and on August 30, 1987 we enter the first of the new cycle of thirteen heavens. This calendar is most accurate; it considers the movement of Venus, Mars, and the Earth around the Sun, and Sirius and the Pleiades. These star systems give forth a crystal voice singing out throughout all worlds, reminding us to come again to the circle of right relationship.” pp. 26-27, VOICES OF OUR ANCESTORS -CHEROKEE TEACHINGS FROM THE WISDOM FIRE, Dhyani Ywahoo, (Shamballa Publications In., Boston and London, 1987).


1: The Bhagavad Gita, or Song Divine, tells the story of the Lord Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra ( ‘Plane of Body’) five thousand years ago. Baba tells us that, during the time of the Ramayana ten thousand years ago, the battle between good and evil involved two countries, Bharath and Lanka; then, during the time of Krishna, the same battle took place between two sections of the same family, the pandhavas and kauravas; now, in the Kali Age, the battle between the forces of Light and Dark is being fought out within each soul.

2: A Starry Night, © RW 1989.

3: Bharath — the ancient name for India (ie. the land that has rathi, attachment, to Bha or Bhagavan, the Lord).

4: Kurta — traditional Indian dress comprising trousers and a long, tunic.

5: Kafni — the simple robe favoured by Swami.

6: Mandir —temple.

7: Kalasam — stupa or dome.

8: Namaskar — traditional Indian greeting where the hands are held together, recognizing the divine in the one who is greeted.

9: Samadhi — total, perfect communion with the Lord — a state of equanimity beyond all joy or sorrow.


1: According to THE GOSPEL OF THE ESSENES, the original laws received by Moses, on Mount Sinai, were laws of light.

“And the Lord called unto Moses out of the mountain, saying, Come unto me, for I would give thee the Law for thy people, which shall be a covenant for the Children of Light.” p. 25, THE GOSPEL OF THE ESSENES, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, (the C.W. Daniel Co. Ltd. 1984)

This first set of laws was replaced by another, less demanding, set of laws and it is the second set that we know as the Ten Commandments.

2: Lingam — a representation of the basal divine phallus of the universal masculine principle, Shiva, associated with the Muladhara, or Base chakra. The lingam symbolizes infinity, the Alpha and the Omega, and is commonly revered as an oval shaped stone. Until recently, Baba would produce a lingam from within during Shivaratri. Now he materializes smaller lingam stones such as the one I have described.

This particular lingam is a polished, green agate stone on which is to be seen a figure resembling Swami who appears to be walking away, into infinity.

3: Ananda — the bliss, or joy, which is the substance of God.


1: “When Tagashala and the enlightened teachers begin to open the veil of the crack of the worlds, we will see our memory circles. All kivas and sacred spots will come alive in 1986 and be totally awakened ... The Temple of the Sun in Palenque will be refurbished, reawakened and ceremonies will begin again ...” RAINBOW DREAM PROPHECY — A Vision of Hope. (Acorn Publishing).

2: RAMAKATHA RASAVAHINI, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, translated by N. Kasturi, SSS Books & Publications Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam.

3: pp. 256-257, ibid.

4: pp. 22-23, SATHYA SAI BABA — The Embodiment of Love, op. cit.

5&6: p. 14, Sathya Sai Baba Magazine, Summer 1986, Mason & Laing.

7: Bodhisattvas — ‘Illuminated Beings’ (‘bodhi’= ‘illumination’, ‘sattva’= ‘essence’) who are dispatched as ‘rescue scouts’ to lead souls from the toils of illusion to Heaven.

8: Holonomic — a system that is whole in itself — yet part of a greater whole.

9: p. 28, Sathya Sai Baba Magazine, Winter 1986, Mason & Laing.

10: “... there is an unbroken interval of 354 years, AD 1638-1992, of unrelieved movement toward material transformation, resulting in the seemingly disastrous and dynamically chaotic materialism of global industrialization. And yet it is precisely at the climax of matter, AD 1987-1992, fateful moment of materialism’s full ripeness, that the highest and culminating purpose of the entire historical cycle reveals itself.” (my italics), p. 136, Argüelles, op. cit.


1: ibid, (Lucis Publishing Co.)


1: A STARRY NIGHT, © RW1989.

2: Dasavathara — the ten Avathara of the Lord Vishnu are Mastya (Fish), Kurma (Tortoise), Varaha (Boar), Narasimha, Vamana, Parasu Rama, Sri Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki.

3: p. 336, Revelation, The Destruction of the Pagan Nations, (The Jerusalem Bible, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1968)

4: p. 337, ibid, The Jerusalem of the Future.

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